Evripidis Bampis' Home page

PhD students

Evripidis Bampis

Professor of Computer Science at Sorbonne Université.
Member of the Operations Research group (RO) at LIP6.

Contact Information

Email: Evripidis (dot) Bampis (at) lip6 (dot) fr
Office: 426, Couloir: 26-00, 4th floor
LIP6, Sorbonne Université
Case 169
4, Place Jussieu
75005 Paris, France

Research interests

Approximation algorithms
Energy-Aware Algorithms
Algorithmic Game Theory
Graph problems


Algorithms and Data Types
Optimization Algorithms and Game Theory
Problem solving
Models and Methods for AI and OR
Theory of Computation


International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT) 2021 (co-chair), 2023.
Symposium on Experimental Algorithms - SEA 2015, chair.
Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium, WADS 2015.
Workshop on Approximation Parameterized and EXact algorithms (APEX) 2012 (co-chair), colocated with STACS 2012, 2013> (co-chair), satellite workshop of ICALP 2013.
International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO) 2012.
Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA) 2019 (co-chair), 2014 (co-chair), 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 (co-chair), 2008 (co-chair), 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 2003.
Workshop on Efficient Algorithms (WEA) 2001 (co-chair), 2005.
Workshop on Scheduling for Parallel Computing (SPC) 2011, 2009.
Rencontres francophones du Parallélisme 2005, 2003, 2002.
Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (ALGOTEL) 2012, 2004.
Approximation and Randomized Algorithms in Communication Networks, Dagstuhl Seminar 02251,16.06.-21.06.2002, Dagstuhl, Germany.
Spring School on Approximation and On Line algorithms, APPOL, Orsay, May 2001.


ALGORIDAM "Algorithmic theory of new data models", 2020-2024, funded by the french agency ANR.
ENERGUMEN "Energy saving in large scale distributed platforms", 2018-2023, funded by the french agency ANR.

COCORICO, "Computation, Communication, Rationality and Incentives in Collective and Cooperative Decision Making", 2014-2018, funded by the french agency ANR.
BeCOOL : Beyond COmpetitive analysis and On-line Learning, funded by the Gaspard Monge Program for Optimisation, operations research and their interactions with data science.
TODO, "Time versus Optimality in Discrete Optimization", 2011-2013, funded by the french agency ANR.
ALGONOW, "Algorithms of today: Social networks, data streaming, resource allocation and power management in communication and computing systems", 2012-2015, funded by the Greek Ministry of Education and the European Union.
APPOL, Thematic network of the European Union "Approximation and On-line algorithms", IST-1999-14084, (Kiel, Berlin, Dortmund, Evry, Paris, Athens, Roma, Szeged, Maastricht, London, Haifa, Tel-Aviv), 1.05.2000 - 30.10.2001.
APPOL II, Thematic network of the European Union "Approximation and Online Algorithms for Optimization Problems", IST-2001-32007, (Kiel, Berlin, Dortmund, Freiburg, Evry, Paris, Athens, Roma, Szeged, Maastricht, Haifa, Tel-Aviv, Zurich), 1.11.2001 - 31.10.2004.
ACI GRID of the french ministry of research: Groupe de Rencontres, d'Information et de Discussion sur la Globalisation des Ressources Informatiques et des Données GRID2
France-Berkeley Fund on multicriteria optimization, 2001, (Coordinator at Berkeley: Christos Papadimitriou).
Bilateral exchange program PROCOPE'2001 with Klaus Jansen, on the malleable tasks scheduling model.
Bilateral exchange program PROCOPE'2003 with Wolf Zimmerman and Denis Trystram on scheduling problems for parallel systems.
National project RNTL FADO on the hybridation of metaheuristics for the efficient solution of combinatorial problems.
PENED project with I. Milis (AUEB), V. Zissimopoulos (NKPA) and S. Zachos (NTUA), 2006-2009

PhD students

M. Xefteris, 2021- (co-advisor: B. Escoffier)

A. Amoura, 1994-1998 (co-advisor: Y. Manoussakis)
F. Baille, 2002-2005(co-advisor: Ch. Laforest)
V. Chau, 2011-2014 (co-advisor: E. Angel)
K. Dogeas, 2019-2022 (co-advisors: G. Lucarelli and F. Pascual)
R. Giroudeau, 1997-2000 (co-advisor: J.-C. Konig)
L. Gourves, 2002-2005 (co-advisor: E. Angel)
F. Kacem, 2008-2012 (co-advisor: E. Angel)
D. Letsios, 2010-2013 (co-advisor: E. Angel)
F. Pascual, 2003-2006 (co-advisor: E. Angel)
M. Rahoual, 2002-2005 (co-advisor: E. Angel)
A. Teiller,2017-2020, (co-advisor: B. Escoffier)
G. Zois, 2011-2014 (co-tutelle with I. Milis)


Alexander Kononov
Giorgio Lucarelli
Orestis Telelis


Google Scholar


Last modified April, 2023