- Fête de la Science 2024, Sorbonne Université, October 2024.
Exposition itinérante Ensemble, au coeur des sciences, Sorbonne Université, 2022-2023.
Fête de la Science 2022, Sorbonne Université, October 2022.
Fête de la Science 2021, Sorbonne Université, October 2021.
- Retour sur le Projet GEPA2, Program exploratory projects 2017-2018, Institut OPUS (Observatoire des patrimoines), Sorbonne Université, March 2019.
- Meeting SimParc Role-Playing Game with Councelors of the Parque Nacional de Tijuca, Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, 29 August 2018
- Mission SimParc-Viability, Parque Estadual da Costa do Sol, 25-26 August 2018
- Test of the SimParc Computer Prototype, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 21 August 2018
- e-Poster: Creative Participatory Methodologies for Protected Areas Management: New Approaches and Challenges - Experience of the SimParc Serious Game, IUCN Word Conservation Congress, Hawaii, USA, 4 September 2016
- Mini-Course/Workshop SimParc during XIII Encontro de Pesquisadores e VII Encontro de Educação Ambiental da Serra dos Órgãos (Meeting on environmental research and education of the Serra dos Órgãos), Teresópolis, 3 december 2015 (aprox. 35 participants) Table of the answers to the evaluation questionnaire
- e-Poster: Creative Participatory Methodologies for Protected Areas Management: New Approaches and Challenges, IUCN Word Parks Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17 November 2014
- Knowledge Café Creative Participatory Methodologies for Protected Areas Management: New Approaches and Challenges, IUCN Word Conservation Congress, Jeju, South Korea, 11 September 2012
- Various SimParc Tests with officers of various protected areas: Petrópolis, Serra dos Órgãos, Guapimirim, Três Picos, MMACF, Piabanha, within the Mosaico Central Fluminense, State of Rio de Janeiro, Autumn 2011
- SimParc Viability Module Test, LIP6, Paris, 30 June 2011
- 3rd SimParc'10 Seminar and 2nd SimParc Protototype Test, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 18-19-21 January 2010
- 2nd SimParc'09 Seminar and 1st SimParc Protototype Test, PUC-Rio & UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 21-22-23 January 2009
- Knowledge Café Creative Participatory Methodologies for Protected Areas Management: New Approaches and Challenges, IUCN Word Conservation Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 7 October 2008
- 1st SimParc'07 Seminar, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, 16-17 November 2007
- 1st SimParc Role Playing Game Test, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 24 September 2007
JPB, 06/10/2024