SimParc Project Publications
SimParc Publications
Jean-Pierre Briot, Isabelle Alvarez, Marta de Azevedo, and Laetitia Zaleski,
Use of viability analysis-based assistants to help decision
and negotiation between stakeholders in a social simulation of an environment management council,
Jean-Pierre Briot, Isabelle Alvarez, Marta de Azevedo, and Laetitia Zaleski,
July 2024.
- Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Isabelle Alvarez, Laetitia Zaleski,
Jeux sérieux et assistants de décision et de négociation pour la gestion participative d'espaces protégés
- Expérience du projet SimParc,
July 2024.
- Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Isabelle Alvarez,
Ludification de la participation à la décision : L'expérience du jeu sérieux SimParc,
In Laure Turcati and Alexandra Villarroel, editors, Sciences et recherches participatives - Réseau science ensemble,
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,
To appear in 2024.
HAL Version, HAL-04408269,
January 2024.
- Isabelle Alvarez, Laetitia Zaleski, Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta de Azevedo Irving,
Collective Management of Environmental Commons with Multiple Usages: A Guaranteed Viability Approach,
Ecological Modelling,
Vol. 475, Article 110186,
January 2023.
ISSN: 0304-3800.
Preliminary arXiv version: arXiv:2107.02684,
July 2021.
- Laetitia Zaleski,
Assistant de décision et de négociation par analyse de viabilité - Application à la gestion participative d'espaces protégés,
Thèse de doctorat, Sorbonne Université, 2020.
- Laetitia Zaleski, Isabelle Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta de Azevedo Irving,
Viaduc: Un assistant de viabilité pour la négociation dans un éco-socio-système.
17èmes Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA 2019),
Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle (PFIA 2019),
pages 43-53,
AFIA, Toulouse, France,
July 2019.
- Anis Gargouri,
Expert agents in negotiation and argumentation for serious games on participatory management,
Rapport de stage M2, Université Paris Descartes/Paris 5 - LIP6, September 2017.
- Laetitia Zaleski,
Agents experts en analyse de viabilité,
Rapport de stage M2, UPMC/Paris 6 - LIP6, September 2017.
- Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta de Azevedo Irving, José Eurico Vasconcelos Filho, Gustavo Mendes de Melo, Isabelle Alvarez, Alessandro Sordoni, and Carlos José Pereira de Lucena,
Participatory management of protected areas for biodiversity conservation and social inclusion - Experience of the SimParc multi-agent based serious game,
In Diana F. Adamatti, editor, Multi-Agent Based Simulations Applied to Biological and Environmental Systems,
Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics (ACIR) Book Series,
pages 295-332,
IGI Global, 2017.
ISBN: 978-1-5225-1756-6.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1756-6.
- Wei Wei, Isabelle Alvarez, Sophie Martin, Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Gustavo Mendes de Melo,
Integration of viability models in a serious game for the management of protected areas,
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents Conference (ISA'2012),
pages 55-62,
Lisboa, Portugal, July 2012.
IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society).
ISBN: 978-972-8939-69-4.
- Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Gustavo Mendes de Melo, José Eurico Filho Vasconcelos, Isabelle Alvarez, Sophie Martin, Wei Wei,
A serious game and artificial agents to support intercultural participatory management of protected areas for biodiversity conservation and social inclusion,
2nd International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing'2011),
pages 15-20,
Kyoto, Japan, October 2011.
ISBN: 978-1-4577-1593-8.
DOI: 10.1109/Culture-Computing.2011.12.
- Alessandro Sordoni, Jean-Pierre Briot, Isabelle Alvarez, Eurico Vasconcelos, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Gustavo Melo,
Design of a participatory decision making agent architecture based on argumentation and influence function - Application to a serious game about biodiversity conservation,
RAIRO - Operations Research,
Special Issue on COGIS'09,
Vol. 44, No 4,
October-December 2010,
pages 269-284.
ISSN: 0399-0559.
DOI: 10.1051/ro/2010024.
Jean-Pierre Briot, Alessandro Sordoni, Eurico Vasconcelos, Vinícius Sebba Patto,
Diana Adamatti, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Gustavo Melo, Carlos Lucena,
Design of an Artificial Decision Maker for a Human-based Social Simulation
- Experience of the SimParc Project,
In David R. C. Hill, Alexandre Muzy, and Bernard P. Zeigler, editors,
Activity-Based Modeling and Simulation,
Proceedings of the Cargese Interdisciplinar Seminar 2009 "Modeling & Simulation of Evolutionary Agents in Virtual Worlds",
Cargese, France, April 2009,
pages 17-35,
Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2010.
(invited paper).
Jean-Pierre Briot, Alessandro Sordoni, Eurico Vasconcelos,
Marta de Azevedo Irving, Gustavo Melo, Vinícius Sebba Patto, Isabelle Alvarez,
Design of a Decision Maker Agent for a Distributed Role Playing Game - Experience of the SimParc Project,
In Frank Dignum, Barry Silverman, Jeff Bradshaw, and Willem van Doesburg, editors,
Agents for Games and Simulations,
number 5920 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, 2009,
pages 119-134.
ISBN: 978-3-642-11197-6.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11198-3_9.
Gustavo Melo, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Davis Sansolo, Altair Sancho, Eurico Vasconcelos,
Alessandro Sordoni, Jean Pierre Briot,
O Jogo SimParc para a Gestão da Biodiversidade em Parques,
In IV Seminário Brasileiro sobre Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social (IV SAPIS),
Volume 4, pages 170-172,
Belém, Brazil, November 2009.
ISSN: 1982-2251.
Alessandro Sordoni, Jean-Pierre Briot, Isabelle Alvarez,
Eurico Vasconcelos, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Gustavo Melo,
Vinícius Sebba Patto,
Design of a Participatory Decision
Making Agent Architecture Based on Argumentation and Influence Function
- Application to a Serious Game about Biodiversity Conservation,
Symposium on Cognitive Systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS'09),
Paris, France, November 2009.
Eurico Vasconcelos, Gustavo Melo, Jean-Pierre Briot,
Vinícius Sebba Patto, Alessandro Sordoni,
Marta Irving, Isabelle Alvarez, Carlos Lucena,
A Serious Game for Exploring
and Training in Participatory Management of National Parks for Biodiversity Conservation:
Design and Experience,
VIII Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGAMES'09),
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2009.
ISBN: 978-1-4244-6010-6.
DOI: 10.1109/SBGAMES.2009.19.
Jean-Pierre Briot, Vinícius Sebba Patto, Eurico Vasconcelos,
Alessandro Sordoni, Diana Adamatti, Marta Irving, Gustavo Melo,
Isabelle Alvarez, Carlos Lucena,
A Computer-based Support for
Participatory Management of Protected Areas: The SimParc Project,
I Workshop de Computação Aplicada à Gestão do Meio Ambiente
e Recursos Naturais (WCAMA'09),
pages 1337-1346,
Bento Gonçalves, Brazil.
Alessandro Sordoni, Jean-Pierre Briot, Vinícius Sebba Patto,
Eurico Vasconcelos, Marta Irving,
Automatisation par agentification d'un gestionnaire de parc dans le cadre du projet SimParc,
Actes du Colloque Modèles et Apprentissage en Sciences Humaines et Sociales (MASHS'09),
Toulouse, France, June 2009.
(in french).
Jean-Pierre Briot, Alessandro Sordoni, Eurico Vasconcelos,
Gustavo Melo, Marta de Azevedo Irving, Isabelle Alvarez,
Design of a Decision Maker Agent for a Distributed Role Playing Game
- Experience of the SimParc Project,
Proceedings of the AAMAS'09 Workshop on Agents for Games and Simulations (AGS'09),
pages 16-30,
Budapest, Hungary, May 2009.
Eurico Vasconcelos, Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta Irving, Simone Barbosa, Vasco Furtado,
A User Interface to support Dialogue and Negotiation in Participatory Simulations,
In Nuno David and Jaime Simão Sichman, editors,
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation IX - International Workshop, MABS 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12-13, 2008, Revised and Invited Papers,
number 5269 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 2009, pages 127-140.
ISBN: 978-3-642-01990-6. ISSN: 0302-9743.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01991-3_10.
Jean-Pierre Briot, Eurico Vasconcelos, Diana Adamatti, Vinícius Sebba,
Marta Irving, Simone Barbosa, Vasco Furtado, Carlos Lucena,
A computer-based support for participatory management of protected areas: The SimParc project.
Anais do XXVIII Congresso da SBC (SBC'08) -
Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware "Grandes Desafios",
pages 1-15,
Belem, PA, Brazil, July 2008.
ISBN: 857669183-3.
Marta Irving, Gustavo Melo, Ivan Bursztyn, Altair Sancho, Jean-Pierre Briot,
Davis Sansolo, Eurico Vasconcelos,
Simparc: Desenvolvendo tecnologia social para a gestão de parques nacionais,
IV ENANPPAS - Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa
e Pós-Graduação em Ambiente e Sociedade
Brasília, DF, Brazil, June 2008.
(in portuguese).
Eurico Vasconcelos, Jean-Pierre Briot, Simone Barbosa, Vasco Furtado, Marta Irving,
A user interface to support dialogue and negotiation in participatory simulations,
In Nuno David and Jaime Sichman, editors,
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS'08),
pages 47-58,
7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'2008),
Estoril, Portugal, May 2008.
Marta de Azevedo Irving, Jean-Pierre Briot, Ivan Bursztyn, Paul Guyot, Gustavo Melo, Altair Sancho, Davis Sansolo, Vinícius Sebba Patto, Eurico Vasconcelos,
Desenvolvimento de tecnologia social para a gestão da biodiversidade: o projeto SimParc como reflexão,
In VII Esocite - Jornadas Latino-Americanas de Estudos Sociais das Ciências e das Tecnologias, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, May 2008.
(in portuguese).
Marta de Azevedo Irving, Jean-Pierre Briot, Ivan Bursztyn, Paul Guyot, Gustavo Melo, Altair Sancho, Davis Sansolo, Vinícius Sebba Patto, Eurico Vasconcelos,
Desenvolvendo novas alternativas metodológicas para a gestão de parques nacionais: jogos de papéis e simulação informática,
In Rodrigo Medeiros and Marta de Azevedo Irving, editors, Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social - Tendências e perspectivas - Anais do III Seminário Brasileiro sobre Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social (III SAPIS), 11 a 14 de Novembro de 2007, Teresópolis - RJ, volume 3, pages 253-255, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, November 2007.
(in portuguese).
ISSN: 1982-2251.
Marta de Azevedo Irving, Jean Pierre Briot, Ivan Bursztyn, Paul Guyot, Gustavo Melo, Altair Sancho, Davis Sansolo, Vinícius Sebba Patto, Eurico Vasconcelos,
Simparc: Computer supported methodological approach for constructing democratic governance in national parks management,
In II Congreso Latinoamericano de Parques Nacionales y Otras Areas Protegidas,
Bariloche, Argentina, September-October 2007.
IUCN - the World Conservation Union.
Vinícius Sebba Patto, Paul Guyot, Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta Irving,
A two-layer participatory simulation to support a flexible participation of a consultative council,
In the 4th European Social Simulation Association Conference (ESSA'07),
Toulouse, France, September 2007.
European Social Simulation Association.
Jean-Pierre Briot, Paul Guyot, Marta Irving,
Participatory simulation for collective management of protected areas for biodiversity conservation and social inclusion,
In Fernando Barros, Claudia Frydman, Norbert Giambiasi, and Bernard Zeigler, editors,
International Modeling and Simulation Multiconference 2007 (IMSM'07), pages 183-188,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, February 2007.
The Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS).
ISBN: 978-2-9520712-6-0.
Jean-Pierre Briot, Paul Guyot, Marta Irving,
Computer support for participatory management of protected areas,
In II Seminário sobre Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social (II SAPIS).
UFRJ - Instituto Virtual de Turismo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, December 2006.
ISSN: 1982-2251.
Jean-Pierre Briot, Marta Irving,
Acompanhamento informático para a gestão participativa de espaços protegidos,
Special Issue (Anais) I SAPIS, Caderno Virtual de Turismo, Instituto Virtual de Turismo,
Brazil, Janeiro 2006.
(in portuguese).
JPB, 24/07/2024