List of Publications of Carola Doerr (formerly Winzen)

photo of Carola Doerr

Carola Doerr
CNRS Research director (Directrice de recherche)
Sorbonne Université
LIP6, équipe Recherche Opérationnelle
case 169, 4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05

Email: Carola [dot] Doerr "at"
Phone: 0033 (0)1 44 27 70 64

dblp entry, Google scholar profile, full publication record

Availability of my (co-)authored works on arXiv and other open access formats

Software and Benchmarking Ontology

Editorial Work

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

Conference Articles

Poster Papers

Workshop Papers

Preprints (non-exhaustive list)


Published Tutorials
