Stéphane Gançarski's publications
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Web archiving
- 2011.
Myriam Ben Saad, Zeynep Pehlivan, Stéphane Gançarski.
Coherence-oriented Crawling and Navigation for Web Archives using
Patterns. In TPDL '11: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference
on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (formerly ECDL: European
Conference on Digital Libraries), Berlin, Germany, September, 2011. TPDL2011.pdf
- 2011. Myriam Ben
Saad, Stéphane Gançarski. Improving the Quality of Web
Archives through the Importance of Changes. In 22st International
Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2011),
Toulouse, France, August 2011. dexa2011.pdf
- 2011. Myriam
Ben Saad, Stéphane Gançarski. Archiving the Web using
Page Changes Patterns: A Case Study. In ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on
Digital Libraries (JCDL 2011), Ottawa, Canada, June 2011. Best Student
Paper Award. jcdl2011.pdf
- 2011. Zeynep
Pehlivan, Anne Doucet, Stéphane Gançarski Changing Vision
for Access to Web Archives TWAW, Hyderabad, Inde, March 2011. twaw2011.pdf
- 2010. Zeynep Pehlivan., Myriam Ben Saad, Stéphane
Gançarski.Understanding Web Pages Changes. DEXA (1) 2010: 1-15 dexa2010.pdf
- 2010. Myriam Ben Saad, Stéphane Gançarski: Using visual pages analysis for optimizing web archiving. EDBT/ICDT Workshops 2010. Best contribution award.[edbt2010]
- 2009. Myriam Ben Saad, Stéphane
Gançarski, Zeynep Pehlivan. A Novel Web
Archiving Approach based on Visual Pages Analysis. 9th International Web
Archiving Workshop (Corfu 2009), collocated with
P2P, large scale and databases
- Idrissa Sarr,
Hubert Naacke, Stéphane Gançarski: Routage
décentralisé de transactions avec gestion des pannes dans
un réseau à large échelle. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 15(1): 87-111 (2010)[isi2010]
- 2010 : I.
Sarr, H. Naacke, S. Gançarski. Failure-Tolerant Transaction Routing at Large Scale IEEE DBKDA 2010. 2010[dbkda2010.pdf]
- 2010 : I.
Sarr, H. Naacke, S. Gançarski. TransPeer: Adaptive Distributed
Transaction Monitoring for Web2.0 applications. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing: Track on Dependable and
Adaptive Distributed Systems (SAC DADS). 2010[sac2010.pdf]
- 2008:
I. Sarr, H. Naacke and S. Gançarski: Distributed Transaction Routing with
Failure Management in a Large Scale Network. BDA 2008
- 2008
: I. Sarr, H. Naacke and S. Gançarski: Distributed Transaction Routing in
a Large Scale Network. In VECPAR'08 Workshop on High-Performance Data
Management in Grid Environments, 2008.[hpdgrid08.pdf]
- 2007:
A. Almaksour, G. Antoniu, L. Bougé, L. Cudennec, and S. Gançarski.
Building a dbms on top of the juxmem grid data-sharing service. In Proc.
HiPerGRID Workshop, Brasov, Romania, 2007.In conjunction with Parallel
Architectures and Compilation Techniques 2007 (PACT2007).
- 2005: Nicolas Lumineau, Anne Doucet and Stéphane
Gançarski. Thematic Schemas Building for Mediation-based
P2P Architecture, Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 150(2):
21-36 (2006) *InterDB 2005*,
XML freshness and
concurrency control
- 2008 : D. Berrabah, S. Gançarski, S. Kaddour Chikh, C.
Le Pape. Optimistic Path-Based Concurrency Control over XML
Documents. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Fifth International Conference on
Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSTST'08) ,
- 2007:
S. Gancarski, C. Le Pape and A. Lopes Gançarski,"Freshness Control of
XML Documents for Query Load Balancing",2nd International
Workshop on XML Data Management Tools & Techniques, september 2007,
Regensburg (Germany)[xantec2007.pdf]
replication on PC clusters
- 2005
: Stéphane Gancarski, Cécile Le Pape and Hubert Naacke. Fine-grained Refresh Strategies for Managing Replication in
Database Clusters. in proc. VLDB Workshop on
Design, Implementation and Deployment of Database Replication, Trondheim,
- 2005 : Cécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gancarski and Patrick
Valduriez . Replica Refresh Strategies in a Database
Cluster. In proc. BDA, Saint-Malo,
- 2005 : Cécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gancarski and Patrick
Valduriez . Data quality management in a database
cluster with lazy replication.
Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM), Vol 3(2), Special Issue
on Distributed Data Management in JDIM.
- 2005 : Cécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gancarski and Patrick
Valduriez. Fraîcheur et Validité de Données
Répliquées dans des Environnements Transactionnels. Revue ISI, Vol
9(5-6), Special Issue on IS Quality.
- 2004: Cécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gançarski and Patrick
Valduriez. REFRESCO: Improving Query Performance
through Freshness Control in a Database Cluster. in proc. CoopIS, Larnaca, Cyprus. (also in proc. BDA '04)
- 2003
: Le Pape C., Gançarski S., Valduriez P.: Trading freshness for
performance in a Cluster of Replicated Databases in proc. Coopis'03,
poster session, 3-7 November 2003, Catania, Sicily (Italy)
Mobility and
- 2004 : G. Bernard, J. Ben-Othman, L. Bouganim, G.
Canals, B. Defude, J. Ferrié, S.Gançarski, R. Guerraoui, P. Molli, P.
Pucheral, C. Roncancio, P. Serrano-Alvarado,
P. Valduriez, "Mobile Databases: a report on open issues and research
directions", in ACM SIGMOD RECORDS, vol 33(2), june 2004.
- 2003 : G. Bernard, J. Ben-Othman, L. Bouganim, G.
Canals, B. Defude, J. Ferrié, S.Gançarski, R. Guerraoui, P. Molli, P.
Pucheral, C. Roncancio, P. Serrano-Alvarado, P. Valduriez, "Mobilité
et bases de données : état de l'art et perspectives", Chronique TSI,
volume 22 - n°3/2003 (partie 1) et n°4/2003 (partie 2)
Nested transactions
and integrity constraints
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
- 1999:
A. Doucet and S. Gançarski and C. Leon and M. Rukoz, Nested Transactions with
Integrity Constraints, in
Proc. Transactions and Database Dynamics (TDD'99), Dagstuhl, Germany,
1999, selected papers LNCS 1773 (springer-verlag), pp. 130-149.
See here for the abstract.
Olap mining
- 2000 : Anne Laurent, Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier,
Anne Doucet, Stéphane Gançarski and Christophe Marsala, Fuzzy Data Mining from
Multidimensional Databases, ISCI'2000, Int. symposium on
Computational Intelligence, Kosice,Slovakia, 2000, Springer-Verlag,
Studies CI series Vol. 54S.
- 2000 : A. Laurent, S. Gancarski, C. Marsala, Coopération entre un système d'extraction
de connaissances floues et un système de gestion de bases de données
multidimensionnelles, LFA'2000, Rencontres Francophones sur la
Logique Floue et ses Applications, La Rochelle, 18-20 oct. 2000, Cepaduès
editions,pp 325-332.
Versions and integrity constraints
in Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, Volume 5 - Number 1/1997, éd. Hermès,
France, 1997, pp 91-120.
See here
for the abstract.
- 1996 : Doucet A., Gançarski S., Jomier G., Monties S. Integrity Constraints and
Versions, Proc. Sixth Int. Workshop on
Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects "Integrity
in Databases", Dagstuhl Castle (Germany), sept. 1996.
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
Versions and time in object-oriented
- 2001
: Gançarski S., Jomier G. A framework for programming multiversion
databases in Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier Science,
vol 36(1), pp.29-53, 2001. Send a message to to get a copy.
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
See here for the abstract.
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