I am associate professor at LIP6, the computer science laboratory of Sorbonne University and CNRS, working in the MAS group. I am currently Vice-Dean for Digital of Sorbonne University’s Faculty of Science & Engineering.
I was previously working as a researcher at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). I received my PhD from UPMC in 2012, under the supervision of Pr. A. El Fallah Seghrouchni and Dr. V. Corruble.
My work focuses on the study of long-term autonomy (months, years) for artificial entities. More precisely, I aim to study, conceive and implement on-board cognitive architectures allowing agents to coordinate, work and autonomously adapt their behaviours over time in open, dynamic and partially observable environments.
I am also interested in the Environmental, Ethical, Legal and Societal (EELS) issues related to the deployment of AI.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Agent Systems, Long-term autonomy, Incremental learning, Anytime decision-making, Coordination mechanisms