Photo Fanny Pascual
Associate professor (maîtresse de conférences) HDR
Sorbonne Université
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6)
Research team "Recherche Opérationnelle" (RO)
Office 432, Tower 26-00
4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris

Tel: +33 (0)1 44 27 88 65



En 2022-2023 :

Enseignements passés : voir la liste ici.


Research interests:

My interest include exact and approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, algorithmic game theory, and computational social choice.

I am interested in designing exact and approximate algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. I am particularly interested on problems with shared resources. The resources can for example machines or tasks (scheduling problems), servers in datacenters (assignment of tasks), or more generic resources (generalized assignment problem). I study how we can obtain good performances in such systems. When the system is made of different actors, this often implies the design of algorithms making the actors cooperate, the design of truthful algorithms, and the use of multiobjective theory and social choice notions.

More details on my research interests can be found in the report of my habilitation à diriger les recherches.

Research activities:
Scientific popularization:


International journals:

International conferences:

Book chapters:


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