[French Flag]

  Patrice PERNY

Professor at Sorbonne University (SU, Paris 6)

Head of the (Decision) team in the Computer Science Laboratory of Paris 6 University (LIP6)

LIP6, Sorbonne University, Case 169, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France

e-mail : patrice [dot] perny [AT] lip6 [dot] fr

Research (Decision Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Operational Research)

  •  decision making under uncertainty and risk
  •  multicriteria decision making
  •  multiobjective combinatorial optimization
  •  computational social choice and group decision making
  •  preference modelling, preference learning, graphical models
  •  intelligent decision systems
  • The research area of Patrice Perny and his team is Decision Theory and its applications in Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research. More precisely it concerns preference modeling and preference learning, multicriteria optimization and group decison making, decision under uncertainty and risk and algorithmic decision theory. On the one hand, they work on the elaboration and the analysis of new models to describe or simulate complex decision making behaviors; on the other hand, they produce algorithms allowing the fast determination of preferred solutions in combinatorial decision problems. The applications concern decision support systems (rational preparation of important human decisions) and automatic decision making (autonomous decision agents).


  • DBLP
  • Google Scholar
  • Older publications

  • Teaching

    ANDROIDE Master cursus in Computer Sciences, UPMC University (in French "AgeNts Distribues, Robotique, Recherche Opérationnelle, Interaction, DEcision").
  •  Lectures in Artificial Intelligence (Master level)
  •  Lectures in Operations Research (Master level)