Causal Model
- class pyAgrum.causal.CausalModel(bn, latentVarsDescriptor=None, keepArcs=False)
From an observational BNs and the description of latent variables, this class represent a complet causal model obtained by adding the latent variables specified in
to the Bayesian networkbn
.- Parameters:
bn (pyAgrum.BayesNet) – an observational Bayesian network
latentVarsDescriptor (List[(str,List[int])]) – list of couples (<latent variable name>, <list of affected variables’ ids>).
keepArcs (bool) – By default, the arcs between variables affected by a common latent variable will be removed but this can be avoided by setting
- addCausalArc(x, y)
Add an arc x->y
- Parameters:
x (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the first node
y (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the second node
- Return type:
- addLatentVariable(name, lchild, keepArcs=False)
Add a new latent variable with a name, a tuple of children and replacing (or not) correlations between children.
- Parameters:
name (str) – the name of the latent variable
lchild (Tuple[str,str]) – the tuple of (2) children
keepArcs (bool) – do wee keep (or not) the arc between the children ?
- Return type:
- arcs()
- Return type:
)]]- Returns:
the set of arcs
- backDoor(cause, effect, withNames=True)
Check if a backdoor exists between cause and effect
- Parameters:
cause (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the cause
effect (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the effect
withNames (bool) – wether we use ids (int) or names (str)
- Returns:
None if no found backdoor. Otherwise return the found backdoors as set of ids or set of names.
- Return type:
- causalBN()
- Return type:
- Returns:
the causal Bayesian network
- Warning:
do not infer any computations in this model. It is strictly a structural model
- children(x)
From a NodeId, returns its children (as a set of NodeId)
- Parameters:
x (int) – the node
- Returns:
the set of children
- Return type:
- connectedComponents()
Return a map of connected components and their nodes.
- Returns:
thedisc of connected components
- Return type:
- eraseCausalArc(x, y)
Erase the arc x->y
- Parameters:
x (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the first node
y (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the second node
- Return type:
- existsArc(x, y)
Does the arc x->y exist ?
- Parameters:
x (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the first node
y (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the second node
- Returns:
True if the arc exists.
- Return type:
- frontDoor(cause, effect, withNames=True)
Check if a frontdoor exists between cause and effet
- Parameters:
cause (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the cause
effect (int|str) – the nodeId or the name of the effect
withNames (bool) – wether we use ids (int) or names (str)
- Returns:
None if no found frontdoot. Otherwise return the found frontdoors as set of ids or set of names.
- Return type:
- idFromName(name)
- Parameters:
name (str) – the name of the variable
- Returns:
the id of the variable
- Return type:
- latentVariablesIds()
- Returns:
the set of ids of latent variables in the causal model
- Return type:
- names()
- Returns:
the map NodeId,Name
- Return type:
- nodes()
- Return type:
)]- Returns:
the set of nodes
- parents(x)
From a NodeId, returns its parent (as a set of NodeId)
- Parameters:
x (int) – the node
- Returns:
the set of parents
- Return type:
- toDot()
Create a dot representation of the causal model
- Return type:
- Returns:
the dot representation in a string